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개인전/2nd Exhibition

One & One, Two

by chan hee 2013. 2. 18.



The 2nd Exhibition


One &One, Two


2005.7.9-24, cosmosgallery





Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005


Untitled, 11X14inch, Gelatin Silver Print, 2005



One &One, Two


One & one, Two
One becomes Two,
Two becomes one,
And it flies beyond time &space,
stretching wings.
In one body,
two genders exist,
Two genders become one body.
In 1st exhibition‘Double Image of Nude’
I had drawn regular images
through multi-exposure.
In 2nd Exhibition ‘One & one, Two’
with blur technique and double-exposure
I changed unmoved nude images
into moving images and
described the potential and sexual
images of female.
Chan Hee, PARK

One &One, Two

둘이 되어서,
하나가 되어서,
자유로이 시공간을 초월하여
자유로이 나래를 펼친다.
하나의 몸안에 양성이 존재하고,
두 개의 성이 하나의 몸이 된다.
'Double Image of Nude'에서는,
다중촬영을 통하여
조형화된 이미지를 그렸었다.
이번 one & one, Two 에서는
moving과 다중촬영으로
정지된 누드 이미지를
동적인 이미지로 바꾸어,
여성의 내재된 성적 이미지를
표출하려고 했다.



박 찬 희



All photos, All rights reserved.2006.11.22.

Copyrighted by PARK Chan Hee

본 사진들은 저작권법에 의하여 보호를 받는 저작물이므로 부단전재와 무단 복제를 금합니다.


